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Wave Farm WGXC 90.7-FM   US broadcast partner 2014—

The REVEIL 24 Hour Broadcast is made possible in part by Wave Farm, who have provided the primary mountpoint since the project's inception in 2014. Reveil will be broadcast in full on Wave Farm's WGXC 90.7-FM, in New York's Upper Hudson Valley, and online at

Wave Farm is a non-profit arts organization that celebrates creative and community use of media and the airwaves. Wave Farm programs provide access to transmission technologies and support artists and organizations that engage with media as an art form. Wave Farm's WGXC 90.7-FM is a creative community radio station based in New York's Greene and Columbia counties. Hands-on access and participation activate WGXC as a public platform for information, experimentation, and engagement.

Locus Sonus is a research group specialized in audio art. It is organized as a post graduate lab by the Art Schools of Aix en Provence (ESAA) and Bourges (ENSA) in France, and is associated with CNRS, Marseille.

Locus Sonus' pioneering work with live audio streaming includes making and producing the Locus Streambox, LocusCast apps, numerous installations, presentations and research activities, and hosting a live soundmap since 2007 as a platform for an open microphone network.

SoundCamp are grateful for the opportunity to develop the Reveil broadcast in association with Locus Sonus, for technical support and support in kind, and for ongoing collaborations.

SoundCamp have been based at Stave Hill Ecological Park since the first soundcamp in May 2014. We are grateful to SHED / TCV and Rebeka Clark for making this unique urban location available, for logistical support, and for ongoing collaborations.

Stave Hill Ecological Park / SHED

Stave Hill Ecological Park is managed by TCV Urban Ecology as a nature reserve, educational facility, research area and place of recreation. With the Russia Dock Woodland, it forms an ecologically diverse green spine in the middle of intensive development on the site of Rotherhithe's filled in docks.

Along with the nearby Lavender Pond, the site is a successor to the first urban ecology park, the William Curtis Ecological Park, created in 1977 on the site of a derelict lorry park near Tower Bridge by the Trust for Urban Ecology.

Made from scratch over 30 years by sowing and planting on bare rubble infill in the former wet docks, in some places it has been improved or altered by the addition of sand, spent mushroom compost and a variety of mulches. The Park is intensively managed as a mosaic of micro habitats to conserve the wide variety of wildlife that colonised the area during the years the docks lay derelict, and before.

Activities at the soundcamp benefit greatly from long term stewardship, environmental management and community engagement by the Friends of Russia Dock Woodland and its chair, Steve Cornish.

Resonance104.4fm   UK broadcast partner 2014—

Following their support for Reveil in its first year, we are grateful to Resonance104.4fm for once again providing valuable airtime, technical expertise and support in kind.

From 2018 Resonance Extra has carried Reveil in full.

Resonance Extra is the experimental sister station to London's groundbreaking Resonance FM and is dedicated to contemporary sound art, radio art and innovative music. It broadcasts globally via its website, TuneIn, Radioplayer and regionally across the UK on DAB+ Digital Radio.

Broadcasting 24/7 from central London since 2002, Resonance104.4fm has been described by The Guardian as "the best radio station in London" and by The Village Voice as "the best radio station in the world". A not-for-profit broadcast platform (UK registered charity no. 290236), you can support the station's continued growth with a secure donation via

Mezcal collaborative mixer by August Black.

Mezcal is a telematic service that allows multiple constituents to fluidly participate in broadcast-like scenarios through their mobile devices at the flick of their thumbs. It is a new kind of radio that is cheap and quick and easy. Listeners get an immediate way to call in and contribute. Producers can make shows by themselves, in collaboration with others, at remote locations or on site, and/or in synchronous or asynchronous modes. Both listeners and producers can hop-on or off the stream at will. It all works in a browser, outside of app stores, and is a different kind of networked radio where the boundary between listener and producer can be strict or blurred. by Udo Noll. is a participatory radio art project concerning the ecological crisis, its effects on our environment and on the possibilities for action. The project aims to establish a network of collaboration between individuals and organisations interested and engaged in these subjects, with all their respective practices from art and science to activism.

Radio Worm, Rotterdam, NL.

Radio WORM is an online radio platform at the heart of WORM, Rotterdam, broadcasting 24/7 with live programming and archive picks. Our studio hosts sound art, experimental music, interviews, mixes, informal reporting and in-depth talk-based series, reflecting the varied artistic communities of Rotterdam and like-minded weirdos worldwide.

Noise Radio, NL.

Noise Radio is a non-commercial independent radio station located in the Netherlands. We broadcast 24/7 sound art related tracks such as fieldrecordings, soundscapes, nature recordings, radio and transmission art, experimental audio/music and audio made as a piece of art. We also broadcast live events and relay audio streams from other sources.

The radio station aims to promote the medium of radio as an art form and encourage experimental approaches to radio making that are not provided by mainstream broadcasters. We want to provide a space for creators who are looking for a platform for their work (existing and new works) to reach new audiences. The call is open to artists at any career stage.

XRAY.FM (91.1FM, 107.1FM & Online), Oregon.

Chercán Radio

Chercán Radio es un dispositivo técnico/funcional/organizacional de radio experimental que busca promover una cultura de respeto, de conocimiento libre y abierto basado en el de apoyo mutuo y la autogestión, buscamos cobijar y amplificar expresiones sonoras de individualidades y colectividades que están fuera de las dinámicas de la industria cultural tradicional, expresiones sonoras experimentales que se escapan de la lógica tradicional, y la hegemonía musical contemporánea en términos estéticos, económicos y/o discursivos.

Chercán es intolerante a expresiones autoritarias, ya sea por conocimiento, por experiencia o por fuerza bruta, manifestando abierta intolerancia a expresiones fascistas, racistas, machistas, homofóbicas, sexistas y de discriminación o violencia a cualquier minoría, inclusive a las grandes mayorías hegemonizadas.

Subcity Radio, Glasgow.

Radio Granizo 99.9Mhz FM and online. Olmue, Limache, Chile.

Radio Granizo is an experimental online and FM 99.9MHz radio project located in Granizo, in the commune of Olmuté, Quinta Region of Valparaíso, within the buffer zone of the "Parque Nacional Cerro La Campana" biosphere reserve. Nestled in the sclerophyllous forest, the radio station broadcasts live activities related to environmental conservation. In addition to programming tailored to lovers of experimental music and sound art, there's space for other creative expressions that use sound and radio broadcast as a creative tool.

The radio station is part of the A.R.E. (Asociación de Radios Experimentales), collaborating with them on transmission chains and mutual cooperation to broaden radio horizons.

to listen :
to follow IG: @radiogranizo

Pam Radio | Made in Roath, Cardiff.

Fade Radio

Fade Radio is a hybrid platform that experiments with diverse music approaches expressed through DJ sets, live performances, podcasts, and art-related projects. Aiming to build a community-oriented network, it operates as a core that aspires to support independent artists and creatives.

By broadcasting online, Fade wishes to collect and interconnect a variety of sound forms, and explore the possibilities of the radio as a medium.

Based in Athens, Greece.

Flora and Fauna Preservation Park, Technical University of Crete

The Flora and Fauna Preservation Park is a 30 ha reserved area Park, located in Crete, Greece. It belongs to the Technical University of Crete and it is dedicated to wildlife protection and environmental education. There are at least 350 plant species growing naturally in the park, many of them endemic habitants of the rich Cretan invironment. The Park also sustains a Herbarium where a 1700 dried plant specimen collection from all over the Crete is preserved. Moreover the Park acts as a recreation field with many visitors from all over the world. It is a member of the Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) and the Greek Botanical Garden Network.

Technical University of Crete

Technical University of Crete is a small, young, dynamic University with a clear mission: to expand knowledge and benefit society through research integrated with education. In this endeavour, the pursuit of excellence is the driving force. More than 70 laboratories with prime equipment, high technology infrastructure and eminently qualified personnel, as well as 120 faculty and staff members with international academic background attest to the level of excellence in education and research conducted at the University. This profile ranks the Technical University of Crete amongst the most prominent research institutions in Greece.


∏node is an experimental platform for the development of an hybrid web/FM/DAB+ radio format. Through the interlinking of different approaches, tools, technologies and networks a decentralised broadcast structure is established where each of the network’s nodes serves to both receive and transmit information. Such a structure seeks to break with the classic one-way communication scheme, substituting it with a horizontal peer-to-peer model.

∏node wants to explore the many dimensions of radio – its physicality (ether, radio waves and the electromagnetic spectrum), its spatiality (bandwidth, frequencies), its infrastructure (network of radio receivers/emitters), its methods of production and editorial content management (programming boards/teams, recording studios), its methods of metadata reception (RDS/SDR), its history (free radio and pirate radio movements), and its legislation. Most importantly, π-node also wants to examine the future role and potential of radio in a time when everything is going digital.

Radioart 106

radioart106 is an independent monthly Radioart show, curated and produced by Meira Asher since 2014. For Reveil10, radioart106 teamed up with the Mezo gallery in Haifa (Palestine48 Israel) and its Ithaca Soundart curation team featuring Lior Eytan, Gal Amoyal and Yoav Levy. We will stream from Haifa nonstop – 5AM London time (UTC+1) on Saturday 6th May to 6AM on Sunday 7th May. The Mezo gallery will be open to public during this time to experience the Reveil live stream, data and visuals.

radioart106 is affiliated with and is hosted by (DE), Radio Bern RaBe (CH) and USMARADIO (SM).
Online: Mixcloud Soundcloud Spotify. Previous participation in Reveil included a live stream from the occupied Jordan Valley in 2019 and a couple of shows on radioart106 in 2021.

Socials: @radioart106

Mezo Gallery

Mezo Gallery is an independent multidisciplinary art gallery established at the end of 2021 by a collective of six young artists from Haifa from a variety of disciplines. The gallery is a space for culture and art that is not for profit. It operates at 3 Sirkin Street, Talpiot Market, Haifa.

Rikavon radio

Rikavon radio is a digital radio project founded during the Covid-19, for DJs, Musicians and music selectors that were left stageless, and craved a place to express themselves. Rikavon is broadcasting mainly from Israel but also from other places on the globe. On the archive you can listen to all their shows, on demand free of charge. Since its foundation, the radio has evolved to more platforms – an active art gallery, and physical events.

Radio Patapoe 88.3 FM Amsterdam

patapoe is free radio with no censorship or commercial interests propagating free speech and new ways of thinking patapoe is located somewhere in amsterdam patapoe is deep underground patapoe is 9 miles high patapoe is 24/7 patapoe is unstoppable patapoe is an impregnable fortress capable of deploying weapons of mass disruption within forty-five SECONDS at the first sign of attack patapoe is a cute little doggie really.....

Radio Campus France is a national, non-profit radio broadcasting network grouping 29 community radios located in the largest French cities.

Listen to the online player

Radio Campus Paris

Radio Campus Paris is the most important student radio station in France's capital. With 100+ regular programmes each season, it functions as a creative and alternative hub for the region's youth and soon-to-be journalists and audio creators. Supported by the Ministère de la Culture and part of Radio Campus France network, Radio Campus Paris is broadcast on FM and DAB+ frequencies, as well as its own webradio. Also working in the field of media literacy and radio training, it has partnerships with the city's universities, cultural and scientific institutions, and local organisations. Its shows are syndicated by radio stations in France, Belgium and Canada.

Website :
Facebook :
Instagram :

Radio Helsinki

Von 1992 bis August 1995 noch Piratensender, war Radio Helsinki im September 1995 das erste Freie Radio in Österreich, das legal sendete!

Inzwischen sind wir eines von 14 Freien Radios in Österreich, die im Verband Freier Rundfunk Österreich organisiert sind. Wir bekennen uns zur Charta des Freien Rundfunks. Freie Rundfunk Sender bieten werbefreies Programm von lokalen Gemeinschaften (Communities) als wertvolle Alternative zum Rundfunk-Mainstream. Jedes Mitglied unserer Gesellschaft bekommt so die Möglichkeit, SELBST zu senden! Das ist es, was Freie Radios und Community-TV-Sender so einzigartig macht!

International Dawn Chorus Day
A project of the Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country

'The story goes that International Dawn Chorus Day began in the 1980s when broadcaster and environmentalist Chris Baines asked everyone to attend his birthday party at Moseley Bog in Birmingham at 4am.. Since then IDCD has grown from a small local gathering to an annual international celebration with Dawn Chorus events held as far afield as the Caribbean and Antarctica.'

Red deer, otters, clouds of butterflies fluttering over drifts of wild flowers. Beneath the water a bullhead hides in rare pondweeds, whilst overhead a peregrine falcon stoops on its unsuspecting prey. We are not in the wilds of Scotland, we are in the industrial heart of the Midlands. The wildlife of Birmingham and the Black Country is as rich and varied as that of any other part of the United Kingdom. The rare and the special are here, from scarce mammals like polecats and water voles to bright dragonflies and horned beetles. Adding spice to this is an astounding mix of plants reflecting the many peoples and trades that have come here from around the world – seeds brought on wool from Argentina or parakeets from tropical Africa.

This is wildlife that is as exciting and cosmopolitan as the people who live here, ancient woodlands, centuries old, elsewhere urban commons where nature reclaims and heals the scars of forgotten factories and mines. All this wealth of life shares its living space with over two million people making it a precious resource. The green spaces filter and clean the air, soothe our senses, hold back rainwater that would otherwise cause chaotic flooding and even help cool us during extreme heatwaves.

The Wildlife Trust works to create a Living Landscape for wildlife and people in Birmingham and the Black Country.

Full of Noises (FON) - formerly Octopus collective - are a sound art and new music organisation based in a public park on Cumbria's Furness Peninsula. Dedicated to developing and exporting new work and acting as an incubator for emerging artists, we offer an ongoing programme of activities including performance, education and research projects, artistic commissions and the biennial Full of Noises Festival.

Cumbria Wildlife Trust and the South Walney Island Nature Reserve with warden, Sarah Dalrymple.

Liminaria continues sound based exploration of rural areas in Southern Italy, this time centred on Campania.

Liminaria is a platform in which stories of places, people and landscapes come together through the hybridization and the convergence of modalities, languages and different tools (sound, video, photography and literature).

Sound in this context is seen as a research tool that combines different languages in order to form its own, and that is “ready to get out of its own proximity without declining the idea of inhabiting a place” (F. Casetti), building a dimension that is “Glocal” par excellence.

Liminaria looks at creating a narrative that will give a new perspective to cultural, social, natural, architectural and landscape elements of the land, by having local communities teaming up with artists, curators, researcher, writers, and specialists of new technology.

Presented in association with New Adventures in Sound Art.

New Adventures in Sound Art (NAISA) is a non-profit organization, based in South River Canada, that presents performances and installations spanning the entire spectrum of electroacoustic and experimental sound art. Their online station NAISA Radio will be broadcasting Reveil. They will be hosting a Soundscape Intensive Weekend from April 29-30, 2022 at Warbler's Roost – during which they will also livestream the dawn soundscape for Reveil. Details at NAISA Radio

RadioCONA (Brane Zorman, Irena Pivka) continue a long standing collaboration with the SoundCamp | Reveil project. Previous editions have included a soundcamp on the roof of the Cultural Centre of European Space Technologies in Vitanje, and another in an electrical storm on Molat Island, Croatia.
In 2019 CONA will develop projects at Steklenik, a new arts space in the Tivoli Greenhouse in the Botanical Gardens of Ljubljana. Steklenik is a gallery for sound, bio-acoustics and art, showcasing works that make connections between arts and sciences, and research on sound and the environment.
RadioCona is a platform that uses the radio-frequency space in art contexts. FM frequencies are understood as public spaces and explored from different perspectives, mediated through artworks, audiobooks, programming and exhibitions. RadioCona is an intervention into public space.
RadioCona first broadcast on january 1st, 2008. It continues to present FM and internet broadcasts featuring sound art, radio art, discursive projects, thematic discussions and lectures.

Radio Tsonami is an experimental online radio broadcast platform based in Valparaíso, Chile, active 24hrs since 2016, with temporary and pirate FM transmission.

For Reveil 2020 Radio Tsonami is relaying the live broadcast of the event, and also collaborating with a sunrise soundscape streaming from Valparaíso city, Chile.

Radio Tsonami is part of Tsonami, a project that also produces a Sound Art Festival since 2007, manages a space for sound arts practices, exhibitions and residencies in Valparaíso, and produces educational and editorial projects related with sound practices in Latin America.

Radio Tsonami Website:
Tsonami website:
Tsonami collaborative sound cartography:

Archipel Stations Community Radio is an itinerant webradio occupying venues worldwide, from where events are broadcast and programs from elsewhere are transmitted live. We are a public-spirited platform. Our focus is on sound and narrative, finding in these two realms strong foundations for emancipation and encounters of the personal and the political, along with oneself and otherness, through shared experience and art.

This is CAMP Radio, broadcasting from our revolutionary arts facility, high in the French Pyrenees. On these airwaves, you will find a diverse array of audible pleasures; from drone to poetry, punk to musique concrète, improv to environmental sound. We have shows from Wire Magazine, Ashtray Navigations, WANDA GROUP, Bomb Shop, Muyassar Kurdi, Tor Press, Crow Vs Crow, Star Turbine, Golden Lab Recordings, Astral Social Club, EIS HAUS, Sicsic Tapes, Outblinker, Guttersnipe, Was Ist Das, J. Zunz and many more. You can find all our shows here:

OSSO Associação Cultural is a collective that includes artists and researchers from different areas (music and sound art, visual arts, photography, dance, performance, design, architecture and cinema). Since 2012, OSSO has developed transdisciplinary projects in collaboration with other artists and collectives, supported by partnerships with public and private institutions. Its experimental projects seek to explore artistic practices in conjunction with critical, aesthetic and political thinking that addresses the specificity of the contexts and territories in which it operates.

Community Transmission is a community-owned online radio station run and hosted remotely by its listeners. Set up in response to the pandemic, since launching in April 2020 we’ve had over 35,000 listens. Our DJs and hosts broadcast directly from their homes from far and wide including London, Leeds, Berlin and Tokyo. To find out more or get involved, check out or follow us @communitytransmissionradio.

Το ραδιόφωνο ο χώρος για τις μουσικές μας αναζητήσεις, αδιαφορώντας για το αν αυτές συμπίπτουν με αυτό που ονομάζεται "ραδιοφωνική μουσική". Οι εκπομπές κινούνται σε μη συμβατικά μονοπάτια (είτε μουσικά είτε θεματικά) γιατί αυτό που θέλουμε είναι αυτός που μας ακούει να αναζητά κάτι διαφορετικό.

24h/24, Phaune Radio vous invite à une exploration de l'animalité et de ses univers sonores, un voyage au plus près des biotopes sauvages et imaginaires.

Musiques obliques, sons horizontaux, archives rescapées, mixs à plumes et à paillettes, sciences & détournements, radio augmentée, espèces et voix d'apparition, eartoys, stretching temporel..

Un cabinet de curiosités sonores, en mouvement perpétuel, pour découvrir la vitalité de la création radiophonique internationale, s'immerger dans un bain de sons naturels et surnaturels, et remettre les ondes à l'envers. Place à la créativité effrontée de la nature, intensifiée par la griffe phaunesque qui transforme chaque heure, chaque minute, chaque seconde en instinct donné, reçu, partagé - dans un éclat de rire et à la force des tripes. Parce que le son nous est chair.

Phaune Radio se déplie aussi sur les ondes des radios curieuses, s'étire lors d'installations sonores dedans ou dehors, s'entrelace pour des workshops DIY, et se blottit dans des festivals pour des temps d'écoute partagée.

Fail, fail again, fail better! This is the motto of, the experimental student radio at Bauhaus University Weimar. We don’t consider failing negative but rather as an opportunity to grow stronger as radio artists. Every member of is free to decide what they will be doing on their show. We go on air every Monday from 7-11pm – at the moment remotely but hopefully one day again at our lovely radio studio in M5. The studio is our radio laboratory for recording, broadcasting and having fun!
You are warmly welcome to join us at our weekly meetings on Wednesdays at Marienstraße 18 at 6pm.

Please get in touch with us beforehand via mail. Let’s fail together! Our link is

Radio Multe 93.8FM

Radio Multe 93.8FM is a community + experimental radio station in a storefront in Bergen, Norway. We broadcast on FM and online at

Reveil listening session at the Radio Multe station in the evening of April 30 2022, listening to dawn at dusk. As part of the exhibition: We Meet at Dusk at the Hordaland Kunstsenter, Bergen.

Broadcast in partnership with Wave Farm WGXC.

Ky Lewis

Durational images with solargraphs, lumen prints, pinholes and other analogue equipment.

Ky Lewis has been an official or de facto artist in residence with soundCamp since early on, producing many of the distinctive images and series associated with the project, using a range of eclectic equipment, from high end to home made.

These have included documentation of soundcamps in 2015 via a mailout project using large format solargraph cameras incorporated in cardboard postal tubes and matchbox B+W pinhole cameras.

Radius is an experimental radio broadcast platform based in Chicago, IL, USA. Radius features a new project monthly with statements by artists who use radio as a primary element in their work. Radius provides artists with live and experimental formats in radio programming. The goal is to support work that engages the tonal and public spaces of the electromagnetic spectrum. All audio works are broadcast locally on 88.9-FM with a secondary stream online.

Soundart Radio offers paths of discovery through the medium of radio for makers and for listeners. The station roams between programmes conceived and produced by school children in Totnes and territories covered by alternative news outlets probing international issues - and everywhere in between.

Soundart Radio seeks to depart from formulaic radio broadcasting fostering experimental approaches for communication and art. The results are community generated radio works and programmes formed through exploration by people from the area and beyond, presented on a platform able to project work across the globe.

The Project started in 2008 as part of the radio d-cz exhibition by Miloš Vojtěchovský and Peter Cusack for Asociace MLOK. The 'Favourite Sound' project was first set up in London by Peter Cusack for the artists’ radio Resonance FM. The aim was to discover what city dwellers find positive about their city's soundscape by asking the simple question, "what is your favourite London, or Beijing, or Prague sound, and why?" Collectively it reveals much about the significance of sound in everyday life. The Prague project database contains more that 1000 recordings by groups and individuals, from varied locations across the city.

Svít´ní/ Dawn Chorus will take place over the 2nd to 3rd of May 2020.

Sonictent Prague is organized in collaboration with The Prague City Gallery in Prague and other local initiatives.

CRiSAP - Creative Research into Sound Arts Practice

CRiSAP is a research centre of the University of the Arts London, London College of Communication, dedicated to the exploration of the rich complexities of sound as an artistic practice. Our main aim is to extend the development of the emerging disciplinary field of sound arts and to encourage the broadening and deepening of the discursive context in which sound arts is practised.

Soundcamp are pleased to be partnering with the Wildlife Sound Recording Society (WSRS) for this year's Reveil. The Society will coordinate a number of live streams from its international membership. These will feature in the 24 hour broadcast, contributing to a document of the sounds of daybreak in a time of planetary disruption.

The Wildlife Sound Recording Society celebrated 50 years of activity in 2018. Over that period, the Society has promoted and supported the recording of wildlife sounds, offering opportunities for technical improvement and scientific study, and furthering the appreciation and understanding of animal communication.

Uniformbooks is an imprint for the visual and literary arts, cultural geography and history, music and bibliographic studies.

Uniformagazine is a printed quarterly alongside the books, for the variety of writers, artists and contributors that we work with and publish.

MoKS is a non-profit artist-run project space in Estonia situated in the rural community of Mooste. We are located 40km southeast of Tartu and 20km west of the Russian border. With its diverse approach and open atmosphere, MoKS holds a unique position within the Estonian and greater European cultural context.

MoKS and John Grzinich with Veljo Runnel and Dawn Scarfe have organised soundcamps from the Alam-Pedja nature reserve, relaying sounds from wetland forest fringes of exceptional acoustic and ecologiccal diversity. For 2017 John will host a soundcamp in a new site at Piirimäe, Mooste, Estonia.

Luciano Breves at Ornithos has pioneered live streaming of sounds and video in rural locations in Brazil. Luciano has contributed live sounds to Reveil from Atlantic coastal forest remnants around Morretes.

Ornithos has been in partnership with the World Land Trust (WLT), an international conservation charity, which protects the world's most biologically important and threatened habitats acre by acre. Since its foundation in 1989, WLT has funded partner organisations around the world to create reserves, and give permanent protection to habitats and wildlife. The mission of the World Land Trust is: To protect and sustainably manage natural ecosystems of the world; To conserve their biodiversity, with emphasis on threatened habitats and endangered species; To develop partnerships with local individuals, communities and organisations to engage support and commitment among the people who live in project areas; To raise awareness, in the UK and elsewhere, of the need for conservation, to improve understanding and generate support through education, information and fundraising. For further details on World Land Trust, visit

SARC is a research centre within the newly formed School of Creative Arts at Queen's University Belfast. The Centre, the first purpose-built facility of its kind in the UK, has brought together over fifty researchers working in the fields of music. It is a unique interdisciplinary environment which has united internationally recognised experts in the areas of musical composition, digital signal processing, performance technologies, acoustics and sound art.

Mazi is an artist collective focused on alternative documentary forms. Founded by Alyssa Moxley and Ramona Stout, the group developed the Kinisi Festival, an event that brings together folk musicians and experimental sound artists from around the Balkans on the island of Santorini. Mazi organises listening events, installations, and performances on the island throughout the summer.

More information about the festival and future listening events can be found at

Alyssa Moxley and Ramona Stout have also participated in Reveil as part of their individual practices with sound and place. For 2017, Alyssa Moxley will organise a soundcamp at the port of Piraeus, Athens.

Clocktower Radio is the Internet media outlet of Clocktower Productions, a 40-year-old New York City-based arts and music exhibition, performance, services, and education project. Clocktower Radio provides free content through both its radio streamcast and searchable online cultural archive featuring 7,000 hours of interviews and discussions, independent and experimental music, audio art, radio theater, spoken word, cultural news, historic broadcasts, and new media innovation.

For the last 25 years, KPHTH FM 101.5, has adopted its own way to come and go in daily events without dependencies and entanglements, selfishness and interest. The atmosphere in the "air" of KPHTH FM always defined its people that form its existence.

The station has never hesitated to “invest” and embrace emerging and talented young people by offering them the opportunity to trace the limits of their personal expression. In this way KPHTH FM spurred the careers of many successful journalists and music producers. KPHTH FM gives the microphone first to these people who are hungry to explore the limits of their personal expression.

In the era of banality to be yourself is almost synonymous to a crime. Especially on radio. Whatever it sounds, echoes the same sound - predictable, regurgitated, sleepy.

Fortunately there is a whole world that wants to hear something real, something really bold and original; listeners who want bold and true information in conjunction with quality music of all kinds. This world is the audience KPHTH FM 101.5

Over time, the station has attracted the audience of individuals and groups of people who cultivate a certain interaction, promoting communication and forming a unique ethos of coexistence and friction.

We are an online radio 'gallery' dedicated to sound art, experimental electronics and radio art radio.

We believe in the evolutionary, psychological and consciousness-raising possibilities of sound awareness. Our mission is to turn people on to the magic and power of sound - in all its forms.

email: to get involved

Radio Papesse à una web radio nata nel 2006 all'interno del Palazzo delle Papesse Centro Arte Contemporanea di Siena con l'obiettivo di proporre una programmazione che intersecasse musica, sound art, nuove narrative e approfondimenti intorno all'arte contemporanea.

Radio Papesse aspira ad associare il dibattito attuale sull'arte, sulle ricerche e sperimentazioni sonore con ascolti più leggeri e che tuttavia stentano a trovare spazio su altre radio.

Radio Papesse à un archivio audio on-line e on-demand consultabile gratuitamente. Supportiamo la libera circolazione delle idee e della conoscenza attraverso l'adozione e sperimentazione della Licenza Creative Commons. Produciamo e diffondiamo interviste, documentari, audioguide e percorsi sonori commissionati o prodotti in collaborazione con istituzioni, musei, biennali non solo per aggiungere valore alla produzione culturale ma anche per aprire nuove e praticabili vie di accesso al mondo dell'arte contemporanea.

Founded in 1998, ORANGE 94.0 is the only community radio in Vienna and the largest in the German-speaking countries. Politically independent and non-commercial, ORANGE 94.0 engages over 500 reporters, mostly volunteers, and it broadcasts more than 150 programmes in 25 languages. Innovative and creative in the way it addresses diverse topics, including the promotion of non-commercial musical genres, the broadcaster is also at the forefront of cross-media education and training. While encouraging debate on diverse underreported topics and giving voices to minorities whose concerns do not find eco in the mainstream media, the training courses enable people with diverse backgrounds to produce quality programmes.

For full version please visit:

Committed to providing artists and community members access to the airwaves for creative and experimental use, ARTxFM employs sound, music, and conversation to explore the hidden properties of audio broadcasting. Sculpting with frequency that is delivered in watts, ARTxFM amplifies contemporary art ideas and broadcasts international creative dialog.

Our definition of artist is broad. It includes painters, performers, writers, athletes, filmmakers, philosophers, scientists, and more -- the trained and untrained, the local and the superstar. ARTxFM functions with the belief that the greatest forms of art, like the greatest forms of democracy, flourish within the free and unfettered exchange of ideas.

Louisville, Kentucky       Listen

ARTSYNC - NOFM Second Programme is a hyper space pool 24/7 web stream dedicated to progressive tendencies in sound art, improvisational and experimental music, field recording, conceptual and applied performing arts, but with educational input presenting history of electro-acoustic and electronic music, spoken word, performance art and archive field recordings.

NOFM Independent Internet radio is created by self-organized group of people from Belgrade, active in the fields of alternative and progressive art, science, urban culture, activism and independent journalism.

We are engaged in the creation of new spaces for culture, led by the phenomenon of trans-localization of environment in which we create virtual mise en scene, which refuses to exist only on the edges of the current narrative. As Michel de Certeau would say: The place is a palimpsest. All places become what people write into them.
artsync reveil
artsync blog

Radio Corax

Radio Corax is a free radio (noncommercial local), run 24h/7d by about 300 people in Halle/S., E.-Germany on FM and focusses partly radioart and experimental use of radio. We are a part of the international radioart-network Stream on


We are happy to partner with Oda for their Live Spring 2021 program.

Oda is a window to a world of sound. Singular performances and soundscapes from around the globe. Beautiful speakers built for immersion. All live, in a dedicated space in your living room.

Kol HaCampus is an educational radio station that operates as part of School of Media Studies at the Israeli College of Management and has been broadcasting on 106fm radio frequency since 1995, as part of the Educational Radio project at "Kol Israel". Media students at the college have the opportunity to broadcast on the station as part of their academic activities in courses that combines theory and practical experience.

As an educational radio station, Kol HaCampus features a distinctive line of alternative music and content that requires our students to be innovative and creative. Our broadcasts are student-oriented and consist of a variety of topics influenced by the culture and interests of our target audience. Our unique musical line offers a variety of musical genres including Electronic music, Progressive Rock, Alternative, Black, Latin, new bands and many more.

The educational nature of our station allows us to broadcast programs that are not driven by ratings and do not contain advertisements, weather and traffic reports and our broadcasters are always happy to receive and broadcast new materials on their programs.

CJUC (92.5 FM), based in Whitehorse, is Yukon Territory's most widely-listened community radio station.

Over its 14 years of operation, CJUC's focus has broadened significantly and it now serves as an important resource for Whitehorse residents wanting to present information and culture to their community. CJUC allows volunteers to broadcast a wide and eclectic mix of music and spoken-word selections that would otherwise not be represented by the limited suite of radio stations available in Whitehorse. Additionally, CJUC has become a key vehicle for artists belonging to Whitehorse's thriving music scene, allowing them to present their work, build a local support base and promote performances.

CJUC is proud to broadcast REVEIL 2017

Dawn Chorus -

Dawn Chorus is a joint citizen science and arts project initiated by BIOTOPIA, Munich’s new natural history museum, and Foundation Arts and Nature based in Upper Bavaria, in cooperation with the Max Planck Society. It was launched during the “silent spring” of 2020 when the pandemic-induced drop in human activities cleared the stage to let nature’s voice be heard once again, and will happen on an annual basis throughout the month of May. People from around the world are invited to experience, record, and share the morning bird chorus with the world. Each individual contribution will help build a global database, which, collected over years, paints a picture of the world's changing biodiversity from soundscapes. This valuable data is made available for scientific research, and additionally represents a unique source for creative transformation into visual art and music. Due to the project’s success in 2020, Dawn Chorus will launch a dedicated app for May 2021. In addition to a standardized recording process for improved scientific data quality, the app introduces a unique new media art feature "Sonic Feather", which transforms each bird recording into an individual piece of art. The Dawn Chorus App is being developed within the framework of ", Program for Digital Interactions" of the German Federal Cultural Foundation, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) in the NEUSTART KULTUR program.

blakeo        | Who is this?
v0yd           | this station is what I've always dreamed about
Hayden      | Hope you enjoy the show guys
Lindsay      | The show is great so far, Hayden!
Hayden      | Thank you Lindsay!
Simone       | Nice show!
dreamgirl   | this is the dreamiest
dreamgirl   | here is a secret:
Hayden       | Hey all, hope you enjoy the show!
Jake-ish      | French people
Jade             | funky tunes man
Hayden       | Thank thank
Hayden       | Thank you all for listening! be sure to check in next week! A brand new topic!!