Streaming for Reveil 4 to 5 MAY 2024
Announce – Call for streams and soundcamps.
Propose a stream for the Reveil 2024 broadcast.
Create a stream page and confirm when the broadcast will pick up your stream.
How to – Guide to streaming with a phone, laptop or Pi.
How to – webinar video from a webinar last year
REVEIL is an assemblage of live audio feeds provided by soundcamps, streamers of the Acoustic Commons network, open microphones on the Locus Sonus soundmap, and live sound sources collected for this event.
We invite you to join the widening network of live open microphones by contributing a stream from your location at daybreak on Saturday 4th May (in the Western hemisphere) or Sunday 5th May (in the Eastern hemisphere).
Your stream will be included in the Reveil broadcast and archived at It will appear as a listenable icon on the Locus Sonus soundmap. It will be broadcast on the Reveil platform and some 20 FM and netradios. Your stream profile will be included in a long-term archive of the event.
For how to stream with a phone, laptop or Raspberry Pi streambox, see
Make a Raspberry Pi streambox from a kit or from scratch.
Detailed streambox workshop notes (includes making microphones).
For links to older methods and equipment, see recipes and the tech archive.
Soundcamp may be able to provide equipment. Please ask us.
Contact us for advice / support / with questions.
This project is about live sound, rather than recording. (To share field recordings, explore the soundmap at radio aporee.)
Choosing a site, you may want to bear in mind the link with IDCD; but birdsong does not have to be a focus. Streams to date relayed sounds of wild boars, weather, VLF radiation, owls, self-noise, shrimps, cuckoos, air vents, hydrophones, radio intercepts, clocks, frogs. For more on soundcamps's broadly ecological concerns, see contexts.
Consider joining or setting up a dawn chorus event. IDCD for more information.
Once you're planning a stream, it doesn't take much to turn it into a soundcamp - which could be very small. For background, see this still relevant guide to setting up a soundcamp. Or go straight to setup.
To tune into the programme or to to relay it, please see broadcast.