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Stave Hill - remote recording 2-5-15 Stave Hill - remote recording 3-5-15 |
Stave Hill Ecological Park, Rotherhithe, London, UK
Latitude: +51.501533°N
Maria Papadomanolaki, Rebeka Clark, soundCamp, Peter Cusack, FORDW, TCV at Stave Hill Inner city green space across the Thames from the financial district |
Stave Hill Ecological Park is the oldest urban ecology park in the UK, a successor to the site set up by the Trust for Urban Ecology on a disused lorry park by Tower Bridge in 1976 (TRUE at Wikipedia). Together with the Russia Dock Woodland, it forms a continous green corridor through increasingly dense housing from Stave Hill to the Greenland Dock. 'Stave Hill Ecological Park is managed by TCV Urban Ecology as a nature reserve, educational facility, research area and place of recreation. The Park has been designed and managed to form a mosaic of grassland, woodland, scrub and wetland habitats which support a wide variety of wildlife.' 'This mosaic of habitats has been created from scratch over 25 years, by sowing and planting the poor soil. In some places it has been improved or altered by the addition of sand, spent mushroom compost and a variety of mulches. The Park is intensively managed to conserve the wide variety of wildlife that colonised the area during the years the docks lay derelict and provide a haven for some of the species that lived here before humans so changed the land.' Species present include Kingfishers, Nightingales, Reed Warblers, Blackcap. Live stream set up by soundCamp, hosted by Locus Sonus. Sounds from the soundcamp.